Archivo de la etiqueta: eventos

Flisol 2016 Managua

Usualmente Flisol se celebra en Abril, pero por diversas razones, se decidió postergar para celebrase el 14 de Mayo de 2016. Para este evento, por parte de Fedora tuvimos la oportunidad de tener presencia en tres espacios.  En instalaciones, las mesas y las charlas.


Samuel estuvo ayudando en el área de instalaciones. Como siempre es un apoyo general, pero es importante que colaboradores que tienen experiencia en Fedora esten disponibles. Les brindan seguridad a los usuarios. Además estuvieron copiando las imagenes ISO del sistema operativo.

En la mesa nos turnamos varios. William, Naima, Fernando, Eduardo y yo recibimos a las personas, les comentamos sobre Fedora y contestamos sus preguntas. Gracias al patrocinio del Proyecto Fedora teniamos calcomanías para distribuir. De parte de la comunidad habiamos colectado para tener algunos discos.

Algo que llamó la atención fue la presencia de los robots del proyecto icaro. Robots hechos 100% con Fedora, tanto hardware como software.  Teniamos una araña con una placa NP-05 y un auto evasor de obstaculos con una placa NP-07 funcionando. En proceso de construcción tenemos un brazo robot. EezyBotArm es un diseño para ser replicado en impresoras 3D. Con una placa Icaro NP-06 estabamos controlando 4 servos usando potenciometros para controlarlos. Aun nos faltan ajustes, pero da idea de la variedad de aplicaciones de Icaro y como las placas han ido evolucionando. También teniamos una laptop para mostar el uso de Icaro bloques, aunque la mayor parte del tiempo se uso para preguntas de Fedora.

Recibimos publico en general, pero en particular podemos destacar la visita de estudiantes de Cyber-Periodismo que hicieron sus prácticas de entrevistas con distintos expositores. Una de las entrevistas salio publicada en El Nuevo Diario. También nos visitaron dos tropas de Scouts.

Omar presentó una charla sobre virtualizar sistemas android. Por mi parte estuve hablando sobre robótica educativa. (Descarga aqui la presentación)

Aura Lila apoyo al evento y tomó muchas fotos. Gracias a ella puedo ilustrar mi reporte sobre este evento.

Un agradecimiento especial a la comunidad de Mozilla Nicaragua por organizar este evento donde todos pudimos divulgar distintas facetas del software libre.

FUDCon Managua 2014 Clousure

Last day of FUDCon I tries to approach as many contributors to ask: What do you think was accomplished in this FUDCon? I used their input as part of the closure speech at the end of the convention. I improvised with a hand write notes. Here you have a more digested summary.

The most important thing was first hand experience, that was mention also as learning with practical examples.

The second most relevant issue was Networking. Not in the wires and OSI layers. Get in touch with people, to get acquaintance, to know what they do. That king of bonding tie together the community. It was also view as scouting. People see who is doing what and how they may engage in a team in the short future.

The view was that there was low attendance, but people there were really engaged. There were package reviewed. This is the first FUDCon that we have computer labs for practical sessions. There were restrictions, but we have it. All this activity lead to people sponsored in packaging and ambassadors. It also lead to candidates for packaging, web sites, ambassadors and documentation teams.

Electronics got a fair share of fans. People looking at Icaro Project become aware that it is possible to make from scratch robotics. People looking at Arduino view that Fedora (or Linux) is the way to get real into the edge of programming and electronics. By the way, Icaro package was migrated from Gtk2 to Gtk3 during this event.

Some people were more into the opportunity of give back part of all that we have gotten from Fedora and show the open source way. More concrete though were on looking as an opportunity to focus on what it is important.

From here the speech went to thanks the University and its staff, sponsors that contribute to the event, and specially the local team that made possible organize the event.

I save for last a brief comment with Robert Mayr about the potential that is hold back by the language barrier. This talk become a exchange of email. I often took for granted that if you are technology you better get into English. I have solve problems beyond my skills by just been able to read what the screen said. But Robert validate those people that claim to have technical skills and that have problems to engage with Fedora Project because of a language barrier. I felt dumb. I myself were talking a few months back in FLOCK about helping girls to apply to Woman Outreach Program, as a proof reader and translator if were needed. So, that is a real problem. We need to start looking to ways to mitigate this barrier.

FUDCon Managua 2014 The Facts

This is a quantitative summary of the things that happened on FUDCon Managua 2014. So cold data, not so much into feelings and ideas.

Four universities other than the venue were visited to promote the event, and also Fedora (UPOLI, RUPAP, UAM and UCA). There was presence in three TV interview at different channels to promote the event.

Our online registration at the website had 175 persons, our estimated peak attendance was 150. This was really under the shadow of last year 800 people audience in Cusco. The badge for FUDCon Managua 2014 was awarded 46 times, which give us an idea of how many FAS accounts were active. Last year were only 25. This shows that our low attendance was highly engaged.

Ambassadors team got new 4 members (lilixx, searchsam, srkraken and creaturahpc) and one new candidate (menina).

Web sites team got one new team member (Echevemaster) that got involved during the preparations for FUDCon and two new candidates (lilixx and sophiekovalesky). By the time both candidates have alredy submited patches.

Packager is a bit mor difficult to describe. There is one approved memeber (williamjmorenor) and there are four people that submited packages (yaderv, franko92 magjogui and pynash). franko92 has 2 packages in review and yaderv did also the migration of icaro package from GTk2 to Gtk3.

Documentation got one candidates (searchsam) that by now is already approved.

This sum 12 people that moved from a non defined relationship with fedora to actual contributors. Many of them were in the borderline, but FUDCon did the last push to cross the line to engage wit actual teams.

Infraestructure got two person interested (mayorga and creaturehpc) but both need follow up to see if that interest become more than that.

First time that FUDCon LATAM had computer labs. There were two, we had limitations on the use of them, but we had them. We have a hacking at night, a meeting room at the hotel was available from Tuesday 21st to Friday 24th which was convenient.

We got some news hits as follow:
El Nuevo Diario Róbotica Educativa
El Nuevo Diario FUDCon

La prensa TV FUDCon
Revista Help Desk TIC FUDCon

FUDCon Managua 2014 The rough edges

We have a paradox. We are equally fedora contributors and members of the fedora project but we are not equal. There are two variables that I will like to point, income and confidence. We have successful people very confident and with relative good income on one side and students with no job building their character. Some of the students depend on scholarship to keep them in college.

So, one extreme may get pushy to say we are equal, we have to chip in the same for food and drinks. That is unfair. We all not have the same resources and we all not drink alcohol. This is a rough edge that we should avoid. This kind of pressure is not trivial for some people.

In the other extreme, you get questions like: there will be something to pay for gas to help the ride? You may think that is because they don’t want to get ask for money that they don’t have. But I like to believe it is because they know the value of things and want to help is they can.

You find very nice contributors that take care of the whole bill, and most people think they do that because they can. But I firmly believe they do because they know that there are someones that can’t afford their share in that bill.

But sometimes somebody said that will take care of the bill and then collect later. Which is a way to spare those who can afford their share. Some times people that can cover their share don’t repay and is odd to be reminding people about that.

For me the worts of all is the sum . Those that overdue they excitement and end up short on money. They are usually the same who don’t repay, those who do not ask if a share is needed, those who do not thanks if the bill has been covered for them and also those who force others to chip equally.

But if we are not aware that we have diversity in income and in character, we will be hurting people when we get all together. Please pause and think. We should not hurt our friend just because our equality as contributors is overestimate .

FUDCon Managua 2014 The Regrets

I want to apologize to people that I hurt. I was on the edge having to deal with too many things, apparently it was a cutting edge and not in the good sense.

First, I want to apologize to a friend who usually bring the fun to the meetings. I was so desperate to get things done for the event that forgot that we needed fun. Even that I always said that fun is important. I miss him as part of our team, as a friend.

Second, I want to apologize to Eduardo Echeverria. We had a block in communication and I lost it. Before doing or saying anything regrettable, I left. This was not well understood. People do not believe that as amicable as I usually am, I can lost it. Usually it is not a good idea to put a finger into a spinning fan. I try to avoid people from the hazard of my spinning. Nothing said, nobody hurt, but it was an awkward moment at an inconvenient time an took me a while a regain my self control. This also should include apologies to Lila and Samuel who took my load during this time.

Third, I want to apologize to Fernando. He is a kind person and sometimes I feel that he look up to me. A trivial issue for me, that was important for him. I dismissed him harshly and rushy twice. Worst of all, second time in front of other people.

I think that most likely there are people that I am missing on this list, I am most sorry to have been hurting some one and not even noticing. I apologize to all.

Thinking out loud of my Flock experience

Fedora premium events are a life experience. I drank more beer in Flock than I have drank in the whole year. What probably is not much as I only drank four pints. Going into the FudPub and meeting old friends and attaching faces to IRC nicks is also part of the event. I would like to go deeper that wrote a tale of what I did and what I saw at Flock.

One of the key things that I immerse myself was Fedora.Next. I was more o less aware of what would be the products Workstation, Server and Cloud. But I did not know about the Base or Environment and Stacks. Base has been streamline a lot to make the minimal install really minimal. They have been a lot of progress, but there is a lot of dependencies to trim out. The more they trim out, the smaller the cloud image will be. One important thing from my standing point was to be sure that there is going to be a off-line installable media for workstation. This is a must for Latin America and several other places where internet is limited.

There is a term that I keep hearing event after event, burn out. As a primarily voluntary driven organization we should strive to keep a healthy rate of new collaborators to collaborators leaving the project to new challenges in their life. Should we, as a project, implement human resources actions. Think in recruitment, training and rewards. Not thinking in monetary rewards, but in a feed back that a collaborator is doing well, their work is relevant and so on. A tap in the shoulder. How we manage to keep someone interested when the prize for doing something great is get to do more of the same. Not a easy topic, but avoiding it will not make it go away. As I said, I keep hearing burn out event after event.

Another recurring topic is the “easy fix list”. Apparently it is an idea that everybody agrees that is needed, but is not really happening. There are some teams that have some success. Easy fix are a way to help people starting with the project some opportunities to do something while they learn how the work flow is in the project. Also is an opportunity for a newbie to see if they like that area of the project. We need a project wide easy fix list. But apparently creating a easy fix list is a challenge. Most collaborators tend to correct easy fix they find instead of making a list.

One thing that really surprised me is how worried people are about make sure that any action is perceived as community driven. Even further, not remotely related with Red Hat agenda. I don’t have any solid reference, but I feel that there is a small number of people that are paranoiac and vocal about this issue. Fedora Project Leader stated that the relationship between Red hat and Fedora is symbiotic. Fedora is not ready to live without Red Hat support. Red Hat need something like Fedora to drive innovation and they will struggle badly without Fedora. Since the package signature compromise occurred on Fedora 8 time frame, I haven’t see any clash between Fedora and Red hat that justify this over thinking. Probably is a historical mind frame that we have been unable of shake out.

This Fedora versus Red Hat, has a parallel. North versus South. To many Latin American collaborator, there is a preference toward North American and European collaborators. It is a rumor, people express that way. When it comes to point an example, no one has been able to point me to a clear one. Both issues are not to be dismiss, but I think they need to bring back into proportion.

I have no idea what docker really is. On one of the plenary session it was written on the board “docker, docker, docker”. Along my life I have been find that when something is all, then is nothing. Not because it does not exist, but because you can not differentiate. In any case, I was unable to learn what docker is about on Flock. There were several session that addressed that topic. My schedule selection was driven from what was expected from me and not driven from what I want. I feel myself conflicted because I am losing learning opportunities and away of facing new challenges. I feel my self stuck. Worst of all, I am not having fun. I believe that fun is what keep people from burning out. I sincerely think that fun should be our fifth foundation on the Project.

As an example of things that are not fun in the project, it is our current event announcement process. One person announcing an event needs to create a wiki page to describe the event, then has to edit the event wiki page to list his or her event and if it is a release event also has to edit the release event wiki page. That is only to announce one event without requesting any support. If support is requested, there is the need for opening a trac ticket and showing up at a IRC meeting. I going to be blunt and say it. I rather do an event without announcing it, it is to much work to do all that. The real problem with this is the public. All distributed information, primarily online information, point to the wiki event page. Which as you may expect is outdated and incomplete. There is need to keep track of logistic within the project, but we need to have a easy way to announce events to the public. I find really hopeful that this time we focus in having something working instead of having something perfect. I think that Ruth Suehle has some merit in this focus. In any case, Fedocal should soon start to list our events.

Finally, I am trill to be part of the change in the Fedora Governance model. We are moving from a public elected members that did not have a clear role as member to engage in meaningful leadership to a representative model. I really do not know how this is going to work and what shape will have. But this time that this change into uncharted organization structure will be good. It will set things in motion for going out of the comfort zone.

I have two regrets about the event. First is that the schedule has a democratic input that came from people that were not present at the conference. I have no idea how to improve it at the moment, but we need to rethink this. The second thing that I regret is not having a free day in Prague. This is a recurring happening. From six different Fedora premium events that I have been attending, only once I have been able to have some spare days to explore the place. I did try to get out on the first day. Every time that I tried to leave the hotel, new people were arriving and got into the welcoming crowd. This repeated until it was late for dinner and we group to look for food. I feel that this is great, it is part of the bonding experience of the event. But I can not stop thinking about being on the most beautiful city of Europe and I can not really confirm it or denied.

There is most that this event get me thinking, but I will save it for upcoming posts.

Here is my Flickr album of Flock 2014

F20 Release Party Managua – Nuevos retos

Esperabamos unas 20 personas, pero el salón llegarón a unas 35 personas. Nuestro plan era algo sencillo. hablar sobre lo nuevo en Fedora 20, la comunidad de Fedora en Nicaragua y los 10 años del Proyecto Fedora. En la organización se adicionó una charla introductoría sobre la imagen de Fedora-Cloud. Javier Wilson de Güegüe Comunicaciones nos contó un poco de porque usar la imagen de Fedora-Cloud sin contar con una infraestructura de nube. A veces el por qué es más importante que el cómo.

Este release party con 20 versiones de fedora y 10 años del proyecto también tiene algunos hitos a nivel personal. Son 5 años de colaborar con el Proyecto Fedora y son 10 release parties en los que he estado involucrado en la organización.

2013 fue un gran año para la comunidad local de Fedora. Gracias a la insistencia de William Moreno se hicieron unas actividades llamadas Escuelita Fedora. Su objetivo era hacer una base de conocimiento para colaborar en Fedora. Crear tu cuenta FAS, editar tu wiki personal, crear clave RSA, GIT, SSH entre otras cosas. Luego algo de traducción, diseño gráfico y otras cosas más de producir. Se cerró el año con un FAD de traducción. Hacer eventos es bueno, es parte de la divulgación. pero la perspectiva de aprender y hacer nos trajo resultados más importantes. Varias personas se integraron a colaborar activamente a la comunidad. No solo ser usuario, no solo llegar a los eventos, no solo apoyar en los eventos de release party, sino gente que realmente colabora en que la comunidad se fortalezca. No significa minimizar lo que cada quien contribuye que por poco que sea es valioso. Se trata de reconocer que estas personas ponen varios días al mes por Fedora. Sobre todas las cosas es que son personas que están siendo el relevo de la comunidad.

2014 está llenos de nuevos retos. La propuesta es hacer eventos de mayor nivel técnico, hacer eventos de hacking para aprender haciendo y mantener los eventos sencillos de divulgación de Fedora y Software Libre. Encima de todo esto estamos con la organización de FUDCon 2014 Managua. Si, estamos optimistas en que Managua será seleccionada como sede. Por otra parte el panorama de Fedora cambiará con las propuestas que trae Fedora.Next y el panorama de las comunidades de Software Libre cambiará con la alianza entre CentOS y Red Hat. Este será un año será muy emocionante como comunidad local de Fedora.

Nuevos retos y nuevos colaboradores, vamos a producir mucho.

Comunicaciones via satelite con Fedora

Anualmente se celebra la convención FRACAP (Federación de Radioaficionados de Centro América y Panamá). Este año se celebró en Nicaragua entre el 8 y 10 de Noviembre de 2013.

El evento reúne a Radio Aficionados de Centro América. Decir Panamá hoy en día está fuera de lugar, pero el nombre de la Federación responde a una perspectiva de décadas pasadas. Esta es la convención número 53.

Me pidieron que hablara sobre comunicaciones usando satélites de Radio Aficionados. Esto es parte de mi perspectiva de lo que es una afición o hobby. Si esta actividad le permite a uno aprender cosas nuevas y conocer nuevas personas, entonces es una afición. Si no es solo un pasatiempo. Las aficiones pueden ser tan serias como para unir personas y poner satélites en órbita.

Yo aproveche la oportunidad para mostrar un poco de software libre en acción. Gpredict es una herramienta disponible en los repositorios de Fedora y que además esta incluida en la documentación de Fedora para Radio Aficionados.

La idea de mi presentación era romper el mito de que se requieren grandes recursos para lograr establecer un enlace vía satélite con otros radio aficionados. A mitad de la presentación hice una breve demostración de las características de Gpredict. La presentación esta disponible como documento de libre office y como PDF.

Espero seguir explorando y creando presentaciones sobre herramientas para radio aficionados incluidas en fedora.

Lesson learned from FUDCon Cusco 2013

Alex Oviedo wrote an invite letter for getting mi visa to Peru. He said that Fedora made FUDCon to gather the brightest minds of Open Source and Free Software. I think that is a bit exaggerated to claim that I am one of brightest minds. I sure the rest of the people that I met in Cusco are the brigthest. Having expend some days with those bright people and not review what I have learn will be a waste. Some of the things that I got to know were things that I have never asked, some are problems to ponder, some other were issues that just happened on the event. I put all those ideas as they come to my mind, and not in order of importance.

FUDCon LATAM has had some troublesome history, so as LATAM we should not take for granted FUDCon. We can no be absolutely sure that there will be more FUDCon LATAM to come. Although we have to thanks Cusco team for giving us a memorable event to be used as reference to validate FUDCon LATAM. As LATAM we need to work to make FUDCon LATAM a must.

FUDCon LATAM has copied the barcamp style of FUDCon NA. We discussed that we should rethink the structure of the event to suit better our audience. We did not have time at Cusco to change the structure, but we introduce changes to cope with more than 800 people present at the event. At least we started ponder the issue.

New FUDCon LATAM should focus on clear objectives. First and most important of all, obtain new collaborators. Second, get things done. We have to produce something useful for Fedora. Even plans for actions are as good as other products. We should expect translation, design, documentation, packaging, new software, infrastructure patches and even infrastructure requests. Anything.

For example, LATAM need to work out logistics. Swag, media and sponsorship need to flow better. That’s not new, but know we are committed to work it out for those that are working for Fedora instead of trying to sort out all Latin American issues. That is a working agreement. That’s is a product.

Third, event projection. Publicity is good, number of people attending is great, but all this comes third. Been on TV announcing the event and talking about Open Source and Free Software, as well talking about Fedora is great. I really, really, don’t want to dismiss the wonderful work that Cusco team did. They are rock starts.

But I keep thinking, if we can make a FUDCon with fifty people, that produce twenty five collaborators and do plenty of work, with no presentations…it may be the best FUDCon of all. It will cost less, produce more, hence it will be efficient. So we need to learn how to identify those people on the edge of collaboration that need a little push. Invite them to FUDCon and provide them with the opportunity.

If we can afford inviting people, we should try get need blood. This is an after thought of mine. We discussed about how other communities in LATAM have fade because of lacking new people replacing those that life takes them elsewhere. Putting new people on stage will encourage them. I understand that it is a challenge to select someone that has not much mileage on the project. But at lest we should consider. There is a tremendous value in face to face contact. We need to foster a new generation. Get the new contributors to know people, and also get them to be known.

Other issue discussed was how we appreciated the Fedora Badges. They are showing us more about what a collaborator do. It is a quick glance of what one person has done. Not perfect, because you will not able to tell the quality of that work, and you can not tell for some areas, like ambassadors work (yet). But in any case is a starting point to evaluate people that is requesting sponsorship. At last, it is up to every one to project it self to be worth of sponsorship. When validating a request, people can only base on what is documented, mostly on blogs and wiki. So spread the word… You want Fedora to sponsor you, then write what you do in your blog. It will be wonderful to have a system that records our actions for fedora and showed on a graph automatically with attention to quality. But that is daydreaming.

One struggle we face was Internet. We need to be prepared to work out Internet infrastructure at lodging and at conference center. We should bring gadgets and be bold about setting up a minimal network. We can hurt people’s work if we show that any guest at the hotel can fix things. Of course, we are not an average guest, but not everyone know that. But showing respect for the hotel staff does not mean that we can not work our own network. Most time there are people arriving days early at the event, we need them to work some how minimal internet connectivity for the rest of the team. Work in group to share a working network for all.

Of course that I helped as I could during FUDCon Cusco 2013. I did my talks, engage with people at the event to motivate them about Free Software and specially Fedora, discuss pressing issues with my fellow collaborators, have “soroche”, drank coca tea, went to Machupichu, refused to eat “cui”, took a lot of pictures and had fun. But you can see all that in other’s people blogs, maybe later I do such a post myself. I wanted to share my perspective, probably incomplete. I hope that others fill in what I have missed.

Release Party Fedora 19 Managua

Español abajo

Last 17th of July we gather to celebrate that we have a new version of Fedora 19. I felt that was something new this time. I did not have any talk to do. I was able to walk around, talk to people and take pictures. Fedora local community has grow up with several new talents. We did some plans, and work together to make a good event.

There was few people at the starting time, so we delay a bit showing “Tears of Steel” one the latest blender projects. We awarded the twenty first comers with Fedora buttons. I knew the schedule was turned upside down, but people was relaxed as they were paying attention to the speakers.
Public at Fedora 19 Release Party Managua
We opened with a introduction of the local community, how the initiative of Fedora school has helped people to gather skills to contribute to Fedora Project at Large. Next, there was a presentation about how to upgrade from one version of Fedora to the next, showing different approach. Yum-jitsu was the next talk and there was a reference to Seth Vidal  and his great work. We have a guest speaker, Andres Reyes from Güegüe Comunicación talking about Saltstack. The demonstration was using Fedora, and later he commented some hints about using different Linux distros. The last presentation was about the new look and tools of the last version of GIMP featured on Fedora 19.

We run out of time with some talks remaining. We had a presentation of the new features of Fedora 19 focus on sysadmins. We also had a talk about the new spin Jam-KDE. I was ashamed that the last talk, regarding about female participation on our local community did not happened. Our speaker was ahead of the situation, and she approached the girls during the talks. She made arrangements to get together soon.
Eduardo Mayorga practicando con Jam-KDE
I walked around giving stickers to every people. We passed a paper sheet for people to sing in. We logged 26 persons, but we have more people. At some point I counted 30 persons at peak attendance, but we also have people coming and going.

We distributed 55 media, we get short on install media i386. Our estimates were close on the proportion of live media and install media, and also on architecture of 32 bits and 64 bits.

Discos, Calcomanias y Broches

The timing was not good for some of the speakers, but they are just starting to do technical talk in public. I am happy to have new crew on board of our Fedora local community. Finally I would like to thanks the Linux User Grup of Universidad Centroamerica GUL-UCA and Professor Carlos Leal also from Universidad Centroamericana as the key people to secure the auditorium for us


El pasado 17 de Julio nos reunimos para celebrar que tenemos una nueva versión de Fedora 19. Yo sentí que había algo nuevo esta vez. Yo no tenía ninguna charla. Me dio chance de caminar por el auditorio, hablar con la gente y tomar fotos. La comunidad local de Fedora ha crecido con varios nuevos talentos. Nosotros planeamos y trabajamos juntos para tener un buen evento.

A la hora de inicio había poca gente, así que retrasamos un poco el inicio mostrando “Lagrimas de Acero”, uno de los mas recientes proyectos de blender. Nosotros premiamos a los primeros veinte asistentes con broches de Fedora. Yo sabía que la agenda estaba perdida, pero la gente estaba relajada mientras ponían atención a las charlas.

William Moreno y Fedora Upgrade
William Moreno y Fedora Upgrade

Abrimos con una introducción a la comunidad local y como la iniciativa de la escuelita de Fedora ha ayudado a la gente a obtener las habilidades para contribuir con el Projecto Fedora en general. Luego hubo una presentación sobre como como pasar a una versión superior de Fedora mostrando diferentes perspectivas. Yum-jitsu fue la siguiente charla y se hizo referencia a Seth Vidal y su grandioso trabajo. Tuvimos un conferencista invitado, Andres Reyes de Güegüe Comunicación, hablando sobre Saltstack. La demostración fue usando Fedora y luego comento algunos consejos acerca de como funciona con distintas distribuciones de Linux. La última presentación fue sobre la nueva interfaz y herramientas de la nueva versión de GIMP disponible en Fedora 19.

Se nos acabo el tiempo con algunas charlas pendientes. Teníamos una charla sobre los cambios en Fedora 19 enfocada hacia administradores de sistemas. También había una charla sobre el nuevo spin Jam-KDE. Yo estaba apenado de qe la charla sobre la participación femenina en la comunidad local no se había dado. Nuestra expositora se adelanto a la situación y se acerco a las muchachas durante las charlas . Ella hizo arreglos para reunirse pronto.

Lila Gutierrez y GIMP
Lila Gutierrez y GIMP

Yo estuve caminando por el auditorio dándole calcomanías a todos los asistentes. Pasmos un papel para tener registro de los asistentes. Se registraron 26 personas, pero asistieron más personas. En un punto conté 30 personas en el pico de audiencia, pero también tuvimos gente entrando y saliendo.

Nosotros distribuimos 55 discos, nos quedamos cortos en discos de instalación de i386. Nuestros estimado estuvo bien cerca en la proporción de discos live y discos de instalación, así como de arquitectura de 32 bits y 64 bits.

Porfirio Paiz - YUM
Porfirio Paiz - YUM

El manejo de tiempo no fue bueno para algunos expositores, pero ellos están iniciándose en las charlas técnicas frente al público. Yo estoy feliz de tener nuevos tripulantes abordo de nuestra comunidad local de Fedora. Finalmente quiero Agradecer al Grupo de Usuarios Linux de la UCA y al profesor Carlos Leal también de la Universidad Centroamericana como los claves para asegurar el auditorio.